NBC San Diego post by Sarah Greico, when you read the commment from Dogsbite.org remember they are in no way experts!

American pit bull terrier (named Tuttle) seated.

Image via Wikipedia


This debate will rage on, as long as people like Colleen Lynn keep falsifying information, When you read they did their own research just remember that they are not experts, Colleen has a very clear agenda, and that agenda is to eliminate the breed. I have said this before, but it seems worthy of another go, when I was two years old I was attacked by a Malamute, and it was a particularly vicious attack.  The attack resulted in about 60-70 stitches in my face and scalp, this Malamute also clamped down and did not let go!

 I do not blame the dog I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the owner, She knew the dog was unsocialized, he was unaltered, and very people aggressive, yet she placed an ad in the paper to sell furniture knowing that people would be coming to view it. She did not secure her dog and as a result I was mauled.  After I was attacked this woman told police she was having a friend euthanize the dog, she lied! What she actually did is sent the dog to live with a friend in Chase River, BC and the dog attacked another small child there. Sound like a responsible owner to you?

Now back to Dogsbite for a moment, Dogsbite.org claims and sites many cases of attacks however, Where’s the DNA Colleen? Several attacks she posted on her site turned out to be other breeds, If in doubt look up a DBO video by FUzupf on Youtube, he has routinely debunked Miss Colleen! So do not buy into everything they are selling. The only thing Colleen is an expert in is how to “Google” stats, now the problem with her stats, is, they are skewed. They come from the media, who also routinely mis-identify the breed.

No matter where you stand on this issue one thing is clear, the dogs are NOT the real issue, and they are NOT born Dangerous, pit bulls were bred to be human complacent, which is why the dog fighters chose them in the first place. Their very nature makes them a candidate for therapy with children. Dr. Ian Dunbar an EXPERT in the field of dog behaviour clearly states his choice for working in the therapy realm would be a pit bull.

So who do I believe, a victim who has turned an attack into a (501c) which frankly is quite laughable. or a real expert? Sorry Colleen, you fail again on that one!

Anyone on the fence about this one Google Dr. Ian Dunbar and see what he has to say on the breed, there are several videos on YouTube done with the him.

Special thanks to Sarah for her article. I will say it would be a great day to see an article or post that does not quote Dogsbite.org since she is a sham and in some cases a liar!

For the rest of us who see through the BS and lies here’s why we are so proud of these dogs the music attached to the video is not appropriate for children.



About apitome

I am a mother, a pit bull advocate, but mostly I am just like any of you, I am passionate about politics, the environment and dog advocacy. I want possitive changes within the judicial system as well. I want my children to grow up in a country where we are not told what breed of dog we can own. I want to see BSL put in the trash where it belongs! I want to see the constitution protected but not manipulated *see anything on the mosque near ground zero (USA) or changing Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays (Canada)* I am not racist in any way shape or form against any ethnic group, I do however have prejudices against bad behavior! If you abuse our laws, kids, the elderly, or animals, If you move to a new country and then demand that country to change everything about it's laws & way of life to suit your own agenda, If you blatantly break those laws with no regard and show no repect for them, if you engage in dog fighting or any other forms of animal abuse, torture or neglect, or if you are a pedophile, Than yes! You are on my radar for sure, and I will do EVERYTHING within my power to see you stopped and brought to justice! Furthering that goal, I have no qualms about publishing the names and faces of convicted abusers. I am not trying to change the world, I simply want to see things improve not backslide, Mostly for my children and these wonderful dogs futures! I may say things you agree with, and I may say things that you won't agree with, I may anger you, challenge you, or just plain piss you off, but in my book that's ok as long as long as it inspires some form of action on your part. This is not a popularity contest, If I have said anything about a group or person that you don't agree with please feel free to leave a comment or simply don't come back. If You have been mentioned in my blog it is for one of two reasons, you are either an advocate or you are an abuser loser, if you are the latter I could care less what you think! I value the opinions of trash about as much as I do that of a slug! Everything in print here is a matter of public record, or came from a trusted source, with that said, I am certainly willing to print both sides of any story, in an effort to be fair and always print the truth! View all posts by apitome

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