Tag Archives: award winner

Just a couple of words and visuals for Nike and Subway to consider.

We all know BET could care less they have decided to lay down with a dog killer for two simple reasons;

1) Michael Vick is African-American, and don’t try to tell me I’m wrong here, would they have had any interest in him at all if he wasn’t?

2) Mr. Death, ooops, I mean Vick represents a boat load of cash for them!

So here you are Subway and Nike, enjoy! Enjoy knowing you are sell-outs and cowards, just like all the others who line up to shake hands with the devil. I hope you can all sleep well knowing you have sided with a felon and a dog killer!

As far as this last image goes, never forget and DO NOT fool yourself, Michael Vick did this to many of the dogs on his property, and much, much, worse!

That is the man they have chosen to be their “Spokesman” and or “Sportsman Award Winner!” They’ve got themselves a real Icon there ladies and gentlemen! Do you want your kids looking up to that? Just curious.
